March 11, 2024

How Much It Cost to Make an App Like Zomato?

The emergence of food delivery and ordering mobile apps has revolutionized the way customers interact with the food service industry. Among these apps, Zomato has carved out a solid niche as a global restaurant finder company.
Founded in 2008, Zomato offers customers the ability to search for popular local restaurants and eateries, as well as place orders online. With a presence in over a million restaurants across 10,000+ cities, food apps like Zomato and Swiggy have become a household name in the food delivery market.
There’s no other start-up or alternative to Zomato that has attracted big investment from numerous global companies like Zomato did. It has solidified its position as a leading player in the industry. Today, Zomato serves as an inspiration for many aspiring entrepreneurs who aim to create their successful start-ups in the food delivery space.
In this blog, we will discuss the cost of making an app like Zomato and Swiggy, development process, and food delivery app development cost according to the regions that match your requirements.

How Does Zomato Work?

Since its establishment in 2008, Zomato has swiftly risen to prominence as one of India’s most successful startups, garnering intrigue from seasoned entrepreneurs and business owners. Despite its enticing discounts, Zomato’s ability to generate substantial profits has sparked curiosity regarding how the Zomato app works. Zomato’s core function revolves around recommending local and nearby eateries to users while facilitating seamless order placement. Leveraging previous customer ratings and feedback, users can confidently select their preferred restaurants. This unique blend of user convenience and support for local food businesses has captured the attention of entrepreneurs seeking to emulate Zomato’s success and propel their ventures to new heights.

Statistics Related to The Online Ordering and Delivery Sector

Here are the statistics related to online ordering and services provided by food delivery apps like Zomato, Uber Eats, Swiggy, Foodpanda, Deliveroo, and Grubhub:
          • Global Growth: Online ordering and delivery services have experienced significant growth globally, with a 300% increase since 2014 compared to dine-in traffic.

          • Customer Preference: By 2020, it’s estimated that restaurants without online ordering options risk losing up to 70% of their customers to competitors who offer such services.

          • Market Size: According to Statista, The revenue generated by the Online Food Delivery market is expected to reach US$1.22tn in 2024. It is expected to demonstrate a compound annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2028) of 10.06%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$1.79tn by 2028.

          • Mobile Usage: Mobile devices play a significant role in online food ordering, with around 69% of all digital ordering being placed via smartphones or tablets.
Now that we’ve learned the statistics, let’s move on to the next stage and learn how to create apps like Zomato.

How to Make App Like Zomato and Swiggy?

If you’ve ever wondered how to make an app like Zomato and Swiggy, then RG Infotech is the right choice! Zomato is a go-to app for restaurant search and food delivery service. It helps users in discovering nearby restaurants and dining options.
To create your mobile app like Zomato, there are several things that you’ll need to consider. The first step is to find a good Mobile app development company or help design and build your app. Once you have a functional version of your mobile app, then you can begin marketing it to potential users and building up an audience. Here’s How to make an app like Zomato with ease and perfection:

Market Research and Planning:

Conduct extensive market research to understand the dynamics of the food delivery industry, including market size, growth trends, and competitive landscape. Analyze user demographics, preferences, and behaviors to identify target audience segments and their specific needs and pain points. Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your app’s objectives, revenue model, marketing strategy, and operational requirements.

Define Core Features:

Core features are the essential functionalities and capabilities that form the foundation of an app’s user experience and provide its primary value proposition. In the context of developing an app like Zomato, core features are those fundamental components that enable users to search for restaurants, browse menus, place orders, and interact with the platform. These features are critical for delivering a seamless and satisfying user experience and are typically the primary focus during the app development process. Some of the core features used to create apps like Zomato are:
        • Restaurant search and listing
        • User registration and profiles
        • Menu browsing
        • Ordering and payment processing
        • Reviews and ratings
        • Location-based service

Choose The Right Technology Stack:

Select the appropriate technology stack for your app development, considering factors such as platform compatibility, scalability, performance, and security. For developing a government app like Zomato, you need these common technologies :
        • Android: Java or Kotlin for native development, Firebase for backend services.
        • iOS: Swift for native development, Firebase or Parse for backend services.
        • Cross-Platform: React Native or Flutter for hybrid app development.
For backend development, popular options include Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL for building scalable and secure APIs.

Design and User Experience:

Design and user experience are pivotal in the success of Zomato or other apps like Zomato. They involve creating visually appealing interfaces and intuitive navigation that enhance user engagement. For Zomato, this means ensuring seamless browsing of restaurants, easy menu exploration, and smooth order placement. Attention to detail in typography, color schemes, and imagery is crucial for maintaining brand identity and aesthetics.

Development and Testing:

In the development phase, the focus is on coding the backend infrastructure and frontend interfaces according to design specifications. Developers build functionalities such as user authentication, data storage, and integration with external services. Conduct thorough testing to ensure smooth functionality and bug-free performance, with collaboration between developers, designers, and project managers crucial for efficient development.

Launch and Marketing:

Prepare for the app launch by creating compelling marketing materials, including app store listings, promotional videos, and social media assets. Coordinate with app stores to publish your app, ensuring it meets their guidelines and requirements. Execute a multichannel marketing strategy to promote your app and attract users, including social media marketing, influencer partnerships, email marketing, and app store optimization (ASO).

What is The Cost of Developing an App Like Zomato?

There are several factors that contribute to the cost of app development like zomato. It includes the features and functions of the app, the complexity and technologies, the online platforms on which you want to run your app (Android, iOS, or both), or even the geographical location of developers.
However, to provide a rough estimate, developing a basic version of a food delivery app like Zomato might range from $15,000 to $25,000. This estimate includes essential features such as user registration, restaurant listings, menu browsing, order placement, payment processing, and basic search functionality.
For more advanced features, such as real-time order tracking, reviews and ratings, social media integration, loyalty programs, AI-driven recommendations, and more, the cost can increase significantly. Developing such features could push the total cost of making an app like Zomato to $100,000 or more, depending on the complexity and customization required, as well as your geographical location.
Here are the costs of developing food delivery apps like Zomato in different regions:
        • United States and Western Europe: Higher Zomato app development cost, ranging from $100 to $250+ per hour.

        • Eastern Europe: Competitive rates, typically ranging from $75 to $100 per hour.

        • India: the cost of Zomato in India ranges from $20 to $80 per hour. Which is the most affordable option.

        • Southeast Asia: the rates here are pretty affordable, ranging from $35 to $60 per hour.

        • Latin America: The rates of a Zomato like app in the USA typically range from $100 to $150 per hour, which is moderately priced.

What Different Costs Are Involved in Developing A Food Delivery App?

Here is a list of considerable costs involved in developing food delivery applications:

App Development Cost

This may include the cost of designing, development, and testing process of the app. According to a top Zomato app developer, the cost to build an app like Zomato range of $50,000 to $100,000 accounts for various factors such as features, platform (iOS, Android, or both), complexity, and development approach (native or cross-platform).

Infrastructure Cost

Building a robust infrastructure to support your app involves expenses for servers, databases, content delivery networks (CDNs), and security measures. The estimated cost of Zomato app development ranges from $10,000 to $20,000 covering the setup and maintenance of this infrastructure. Building a robust infrastructure to support your app involves expenses for servers, databases, and consent.

Marketing Cost

To promote your food delivery app and attract users, you’ll need to invest in marketing strategies such as digital marketing, social media advertising, influencers, collaborations, and app store optimization (ASO). The estimated cost of $5000 to $10,000 covers these marketing efforts.

Maintenance Cost

Ongoing maintenance and support are crucial for keeping your app running smoothly and up-to-date with evolving technologies and user expectations. The estimated monthly maintenance cost of making an app like Zomato in India is around $2000 to $5000 including the expenses for bug fixes, updates, server maintenance, and customer support.


The above-provided details and information talk about the cost of Making an App Like Zomato. Creating an app similar to Zomato involves various costs and considerations, encompassing development, design, food delivery features, and maintenance. From initial planning to ongoing updates, every stage demands investment, both in terms of time and resources. If you are a business looking for app development like Zomato, the above-provided knowledge can help you to embark on your app development journey with confidence. Some of the alternatives to Zomato like Uber Eats, Swiggy, Foodpanda, Deliveroo, and Grubhub that offer similar services of restaurant and food delivery.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Outsourcing development to countries with lower labor costs can reduce expenses, but it’s essential to ensure quality and communication remain high. Offshore development can save up to 40-60% compared to hiring a local team.
Yes, potential hidden costs include licensing fees for third-party APIs, transaction fees for payment gateways, marketing expenses, and legal fees for intellectual property protection.
Utilizing app development frameworks, templates, or low-code/no-code platforms can reduce development time and costs by providing pre-built components and functionality. However, customization options may be limited, so it’s essential to weigh the trade-offs carefully.

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